Electronic Communication and Social Media

Price: $49.00 (Incl. GST)

Course Overview

Electronic communication and social media tools provide organisations with the opportunity to engage with clients and other stakeholders online. However the use of these tools are also associated with a number of different risks, ranging from personal online safety to information security.

This course is aimed at increasing the awareness of these risks and provides tips on how to minimise them.

It introduces learners to the fundamentals of what electronic communication and social media is, with the aim of developing an understanding of the environment in which these tools are used.


Key Content

  • What electronic communication and social media tools are and include.
  • How and why an organisation would monitor usage.
  • The risks of using such tools in the areas of online conduct, professional boundaries, confidentiality, intellectual property and information security.
  • Tips to encourage online safety.
  • Employee responsibilities.

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course, learners should be able to:

  • Explain their responsibility regarding the appropriate use of electronic communication and social media tools.
  • Identify potential personal and organisational risks.
  • Discuss best practice that should be implemented when using these tools.